Volunteer Opportunities

Getting involved with RRC is easy!
The Council offers both local and national volunteer opportunities to members (listed below).

Volunteers are an important part of the Council. We have numerous opportunities for you to get involved, learn, and expand your network.
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National Committees And Mastermind Positions

Applications for Committees and Mastermind Divisions open yearly in June.
Awards Committee
Members: The group consists of a Chair and six (6) at-large members.
Travel: None
Time Commitment: At-large members serve 1-year terms via an online forum; conference call
Code of Conduct Committee
Members: Immediate Past President, CEO and four (4) at-large members
Travel: None
Time Commitment: At-large members serve 1-year terms, meeting as needed
Credentialing Committee
Members: The group consists of the First Vice President, Immediate Past President as Chair and seven at-large members.
Travel: Annual November Meetings
Time Commitment:
Education Advisory Committee
Members: Chair, Vice Chair and up to 12 members at-large who are current/past instructors or designees with previous professional development experience.
Time Commitment: The Chair and Vice Chair serve one-year terms. Vice Chair ascends to Chair. All members serve staggered two-year terms.
Election Guidelines Implementation Committee
Members: The committee is composed of a Chair, Vice Chair and five members at large.
Time Commitment:
Finance Committee
Members: The Finance Committee consists of the President, President Elect, First Vice President, Immediate Past President and five at-large members.
Time Commitment:
Leadership Development and Training Committee
Members: Chair, Vice Chair and (4) at-large members.
Time Commitment:
Next Generation Advisory Committee
Members: Chair, Vice Chair and up to 12 members at-large.
Time Commitment: The Chair and Vice Chair serve one-year terms. Vice Chair ascends to Chair. All members serve staggered two-year terms.
Regional Vice Presidents Selection Subcommittee
Members: A Chair, Vice Chair, three at-large members and two Past Regional Vice Presidents.
Travel: None
Time Commitment: 15 Hours
RRC Representatives on NAR Committees
Members: Business Issues Policy Committee – 1-year term Executive Committee – 2-year term Federal Financing & Housing Policy Committee - 1-year term Global Business and Alliances Committee – 1-year term Professional Development Committee – 1-year term Professional Standards Committee – 1-year term Public Policy Coordinating Committee – 2-year term Note: For the committee below, one member will be chosen to represent ALL affiliates (not each affiliate). RPAC Trustee Fundraising Committee – 1-year term
Time Commitment: Reporting: Each representative is required to fill out an electronic report after attending their NAR committee meeting so that RRC can share this information with its members promptly. If there are not time conflicts, each representative will be expected to provide a brief 2-3-minute oral report during RRC Member Update.
State Leadership Positions

To increase the value of your membership, get involved with your Local and State RRC Network. If you are interested in one of those open positions, please email community@crs.com
Communications Leader
Contact community@crs.com for open positions or to get involved at the state and local level.
Open Positions: Kansas, Kentucky, Michigan, Missouri, Nebraska, New Mexico, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Utah, Wisconsin, Kansas/Missouri, Iowa, Washington, Illinois,
Education Leader
Contact community@crs.com for open positions or to get involved at the state and local level.
Open Positions: Arkansas, Kansas, Kentucky, Michigan, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Mexico, Ohio, South Carolina, Utah, Virginia, Kansas/Missouri, Iowa, Washington,
Finance Leader
Contact community@crs.com for open positions or to get involved at the state and local level.
Open Positions: Kansas, Kentucky, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Mexico, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Utah, Kansas/Missouri, Iowa, Colorado,
Membership Leader
Contact community@crs.com for open positions or to get involved at the state and local level.
Open Positions: Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Michigan, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Mexico, South Carolina, Utah, Alabama, Kansas/Missouri, Iowa, Washington,
Network Director
Contact community@crs.com for open positions or to get involved at the state and local level.
Open Positions: Arkansas, Dakotas, Georgia, Hawaii, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Mexico, New York, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Utah, Virginia, Wyoming, Alabama, Iowa, Washington, Florida, Colorado, Louisiana, Texas, Illinois,
Contact community@crs.com for open positions or to get involved at the state and local level.
Open Positions: New Mexico,
Board of Directors

Applications open yearly in September. The process includes submitting a professional resume, signed Affidavit verifying the level of transactions over the past three years, phone interview, reference screening and background check.
Click here for the responsibility of the Board and eligibility requirements.
2026 Board of Directors
two 2-year term positions
one 1-year term position
Regional Vice Presidents Committee

The Regional Vice Presidents Committee is responsible for coordinating the work of all RVPs by sahring ideas and best practices on providing assistance to individual states or regions.
2025 Regional Vice Presidents Committee
ten 1-year term positions
RRC Representatives on NAR Committees

Committees help shape the direction of the National Association of REALTORS (NAR) and its policies. Committees discuss ideas and bring forward recommendations to the NAR Board of Directors for their vote.
2025 RRC Representatives on NAR Committees