Home Education Certifications and Certificates

Mobile Technologies: Virtual Agent Certificate

2020 saw the rise of the virtual real estate transaction, and now more than ever, being well-versed on delivering an exceptional virtual customer service experience is vital to working with clients. Skills like conducting Zoom appointments with buyers and sellers, creating dynamic 360-degree listings, and closing the deal virtually are no longer “like-to-have" skills that clients are looking for from their agents – they are the “need-to-have" skills that younger clients are looking for when trying to find an agent to work with. Become someone’s agent-for-life by expanding your sphere-of-influence into virtual networks. 

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Requirements for Certificate

This certification will ask potential students to complete the courses listed below. After successful completion and achieving scores of 70% or better on both exams, students will receive the certification.

Required Courses

(you need to complete all of them)

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Get Certified

Once you have completed all of the necessary course requirements you will earn the certificate noted above. You will receive a certificate of completion and access to the logos to be used in your marketing and advertising. Should you have any questions or if you encounter any issues or delays, please email CRSHelp@crs.com so that we can best assist.